title: rig setup for human character

description:_ I used previously created base low poly model of a soldier.
Rig done using FK and IK controlled by control objects and custom attributes (feet and fingers) to speed up future animation.
In this case I have done skinning as well.

Follow this link to see QT movie introducing my rig in action (10MB)
*note: this video is also included in my last demoreel
title: rig setup for bipieded alien character

description:_ This rig was made specially to fit an alien character.

All animations of a character are accessible through spline shapes (except for morph targets - appropriate spline controller will be added later on when all morph targets are done) which makes it easy to use in a complex scene.

Soon I'll make screen capture of rig in action.


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2005 copyright by Volodymyr Dergachov